The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians


Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, likely written around 50 AD, is assumed to be the first of his letters since his views on justification by faith, and the relationships between Jews and Gentiles, are not yet formed here. Sent to the new Christian converts living in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city, after his evangelizing there, he reminds them how honorably he acted there; how he worked for his keep even though he could have used his status as one of Christ’s apostles to receive special treatment; and gives thanks to them for their faith and love. Paul also explains that everyone who is dead will be resurrected, and will meet the Lord in the air – the famous concept of “The Rapture.”

This Audio Bible production of First Thessalonians is presented without music or drama – just a pure reading of the scripture as written, along with scrolling scripture for a more engaging experience so that you may read, study, and absorb.