The Third Book of Moses Called: Leviticus


Welcome to this Audio Bible pure reading of Leviticus, the Third Book of Moses in the Old Testament. Dealing with the laws and rituals governing early Israelite religious life, it nevertheless remains an integral part of the Torah/Pentateuch.

After Moses leads his people out of bondage in Egypt in Exodus, Leviticus mostly deals with Yahwey's instructions to the people concerning animal sacrifices; procedures for atonement; dietary and moral restrictions; and penalties for disobedience, including stoning and death.

It also introduces the concept of scapegoating – the death sacrifice of one goat, and releasing another to its own terrible destiny in the wilderness, to atone for human error.

While much of its contents may strike a modern audience as odd, Leviticus is key scripture for understanding the religious practice and moral values of ancient Israel.

Leviticus is presented here without music or other distractions, a pure reading of the scripture as written, along with scrolling text for an engaging experience so you may read, study, and absorb.

Enjoy, and above all, may your life be filled with peace!